BTS: Top 12 endearing things Suga has revealed about his family

Bollywood actor Suniel Shetty recently revealed that he used to receive calls from theunderworld back in the 90s. However, unlike most people who would've been scared, Sunielgave them a fitting response because he knew he was not in the wrong. Speaking on thepodcast 'The BarberShop with Shantanu', Suniel said that it was during a time when theunderworld was thriving in Mumbai. "You know I used to get calls saying, 'I will do this, Iwill do that.' I used to abuse back. I had cops telling me, 'Listen, you're crazy. Youdon't understand, they'll get upset and they could do anything.' I said, 'What? I'm notwrong, protect me. What have I done?' So that's the background I came from."

According to the Bollywood actor,"Time is the best healer"

Suniel also shared with his listeners some of the crazy stuff he did during his youngerdays. He got injured, got out of trouble, and self-healed, without ever telling hischildren, Athiya and Ahaan, what he went through. According to the Bollywood actor, "Timeis the best healer" when referring to getting over the wild adventures he went through.

Not only did Suniel have to contend with the underworld, but he also talks candidly abouthis past, reliving his childhood and the struggles his father went through to make surehis children grew up in a better place. Suniel says that his father begged, borrowed, andalmost stolen to move the family away from a notorious locality in Mumbai. Suniel said, "Iwon't say it was a notorious area, but there were gangs and stuff like that. And though itwas a great place for his business, he didn't want the kids to grow up in this area,because he says, 'If I allow them to get into a particular age in this area, that wouldprobably impact them and the way they think.' He begged, borrowed, and moved the family toan area with a "better culture, better schools, better people."

Dharavi Bank and Hunter Tootega Nahi Todega

Suniel was recently seen on the web shows, Dharavi Bank and Hunter Tootega Nahi Todega. Suniel Shetty has led an exciting life, full of twists and turns. He has had to contendwith the underworld and childhood struggles. However, he has learned to heal himself, andtime has been the best medicine for his various adventures.

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