Hema Malini turned 75 today. Esha Deol, Ahana Deol and Dharmendra Deol hosted a grand birthday bash for Hema Malini in Mumbai today. Many big stars like Salman Khan, Rajkummar Rao, Rekha, Rani Mukerji, Jackie Shroff, Vidya Balan, Shilpa Shetty and others attended the birthday bash. Jaya Bachchan was also spotted at the birthday venue. She was seen posing for the paparazzi with Padmini Kolhapure. Jaya Bachchan is known for her disliking towards the paparazzi and this is a popular story in entertainment news. She looked in slightly happy mode today while she posed for the cameras. However, as the paparazzi asked to look right and left for the cameras, she got a bit irritated and said, "Ab itna aaplog directions mat dijiye." Well, looks like she totally dislikes posing for the paparazzi.
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