Kangana Ranaut's Chandramukhi 2 released last week on Thursday and made 8.25 crore across India. The collection on Day 2 was 4.35 crore, and since then it has only witnessed growth at the box office. However, the early estimates claim that on Day 6, the film witnessed a massive dip and has only minted Rs 2.05 crore. As per reports in Sacnilk, the Kangana Ranaut and Raghava Lawrence starrer new movie has so far earned 31 crore across India by collecting 2.05 crore on the 6th day of its release.
Chandramukhi 2 box office collection day wise breakup
Day 1: 8.5 crore
Day 2: 4.35 crore
Day 3: 5.5 crore
Day 4: 6.8 crore
Day 5: 4.55 crore
Day 6: 2.05 crore (early estimates)
#Chandramukhi2 : 5 days BO collection..! ?
Mass Collection ?
Blockbuster already Confirmed ?
TN : approx 25cr
AP/TS : approx 10cr
ROI : approx 5cr
Overseas : approx 9cr
WW : 48+cr ?? pic.twitter.com/PoVbV8AyVw
Rishi Raj Reviewzzzzz (@RishiRa02716150) October 3, 2023
Kangana Ranaut received a mixed response for her performance in Chandramukhi 2
Kangana, who often stuns her fans and audience with her mind-blowing performances in every film, received a mixed response for her latest release, Chandramukhi 2. Some hailed her as a power-packed performer while others felt she wasn't fit for the role. It was also noticed that superstar Rajinikanth heaped praises for Raghava Lawrence and the makers of Chandramukhi 2, but sidelined Kangana as he didn't mention the actress' name.
This has made my day, a surprise love note ? ?? from my Brother, my Guru, my Thalaivar Superstar @rajinikanth What more praise would we need for #Chandramukhi2 - your encouragement means the world to us. ?? Thank you Thalaiva! ??
Guruve Saranam ??????#PVasu @KanganaTeam pic.twitter.com/X1AAOzew0C
Raghava Lawrence (@offl_Lawrence) September 29, 2023
I feel like Chandramukhi 2 is a huge disgrace to the entire cast of the OG Chandramukhi.
Ashveenie Rajiswaran ? (@AshaRajis) September 29, 2023
Chandramukhi 2 box office collection day 7 early estimate
As per reports, Kangana Ranaut and Raghava Lawrence films may earn the same amount of rupees (2.2-1.12 crore) at the box office on Wednesday, and the total collection will be 33.17 crore at the box office in India.
Chandramukhi 2 OTT release
There is strong speculation around Chandramukhi 2 OTT release that the film will stream digitally during Diwali, which is in November on Netflix. However, there is no official confirmation on that.
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