To Kill a Tiger, a riveting Canadian documentary crafted by Nisha Pahuja, has made its majestic roar at the Oscars by securing a nomination in the Best Documentary Feature Film category of the 96th Academy Awards. With the backdrop set in Jharkhand, India, this sobering story revolves around a family relentlessly seeking justice for their 13-year-old daughter, a victim of a brutal rape crime by three men. The cinematic narration delves deep into the societal and legal obstacles faced by the affected family, shining a spotlight on the culturally embedded issues that turn a blind eye to violence against women.
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To Kill a Tiger won hearts
The documentary first aired its social dilemma to the audience at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 10, 2022, cinching the title of Best Canadian Film. It further racked up laurels such as the Inspiring Voices and Perspectives award at the Cin fest Sudbury International Film Festival and two Canadian Screen Awards for Best Feature Length Documentary and Best Editing in a Documentary. Praise for To Kill a Tiger echoed from critics at Stir, CityNews, and Northern Stars, while comedian and producer Mindy Kaling hailed it as a "triumph" to be witnessed by all.
Amongst the group of 15 movies that progressed in the Documentary Feature Film category out of the eligible 167 films at the Oscars, To Kill a Tiger marks its presence. Joining the list are other engaging narratives like American Symphony, Apolonia, Beyond Utopia, Bobi Wine: The People's President, Desperate Souls, Dark City and the Legend of Midnight Cowboy, and more remarkable documentaries.
About Oscars 2024
The Oscars 2024 red carpet will unroll on Sunday, March 10, 2024, at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California as the 96th Academy Awards unfurls. Telecasted live on ABC and universally across 200+ territories, the event will have comedian Jimmy Kimmel as the host for the fourth time. The production chair occupied by Raj Kapoor and Katy Mullan and directorial reins held by Hamish Hamilton. As actors Zazie Beetz and Jack Quaid reveal the nominees in various categories such as Best Picture and Best Actress on January 23, 2024, "To Kill A Tiger" is set to compete with awaited cinema pieces like Killers of the Flower Moon, and Barbie.
The societal mirror that To Kill a Tiger is, highlights the deep-seated issue of sexual violence against women, prevalent not just in India but globally. Beyond being a mere film, it's a call for change and a manifesto challenging the rampant social evil. Lauded, celebrated, and a potential history-maker at the Oscars; To Kill a Tiger is indeed a movie with a mission.
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