As per earlier reports, just like Shakti Arora, Bhavika Sharma was also rumored to exit Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin before the leap. The speculation was definitely shocking, as it was always stated that while Shakti Arora and the majority of the cast would exit, characters such as Savi, Harini, Ishaan's parents, Isha, and Shantanu would be retained. It was reported that even Bhavika would leave the show before the leap, and the story would continue with a completely different cast and story. However, it seems this was just speculation, as now it is stated that the makers are indeed retaining Bhavika Sharma.
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Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin makers retain Bhavika Sharma
According to reports in Gossip TV, the makers of Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin have decided to retain Bhavika Sharma . The story will now move forward with Savi's character and how her life will drastically change after Ishaan and Bhosle family lose their lives in a bomb blast. Initially, the makers thought to even let Savi's character exit the show; however, it seems too much of a risk to them, and hence they decided to retain one of the leads. It would be interesting to see if Savi's new love story will receive the same amount of love that Ishvi got.
In a recent interview, Shakti Arora stated that the makers of Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin didn't mention the leap to him, and he only got to know about it through articles and speculations. He added that such news is not directly conveyed as it is often confidential. Shakti Arora, however, took the whole thing in the right spirit and wasn't upset at all.
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