Kangana Ranaut has been in the news. The actress contested the Lok Sabha elections 2024 for BJP from her hometown Mandi. She also won there and has been the talk of the town. Her recent slap incident is in the news. She was leaving for the parliament in Delhi and at the Chandigarh airport she was slapped by a CISF officer. The CISF woman constable was angry about Kangana Ranaut's statements over the Farmer's Protest. This became a huge news and everyone was slamming the constable for this act. People said that the woman should have respected the uniform before doing such a thing.
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Kangana got a lot of support from people like Adhyayan Suman, Anupam Kher, Shekhar Suman, Mika Singh, Vivek Aghnihotri and others. Many politicians and even TV actors supported Kangana in this controversy and spoke against violence. Now, Karan Johar has reacted to this incident.
We all know that there have been issues between Karan and Kangana. This started from the Koffee With Karan episode where Kangana came as a guest and nepotism became a huge topic. Kangana slammed Karan for only promoting star kids.
Karan was seen at the trailer launch of his film, Kill and he was asked to react on Kangana Ranaut's slap incident. He said that he does not support or condone any form of violence, verbal or physical.
Karan Johar is the producer of Kill movie along with Guneet Monga Kapoor, Apoorva Mehta, and Achin Jain. The film premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) last year and will be releasing in the theatres on July 5.
Here's a video of Kangana Ranaut talking about Ram Mandir
The film stars Lakshya Lalwani, Raghav Juyal, Tanya Maniktala and others. The trailer of the film released today and has got amazing response from the audience. People are all praise for the action scenes in the film.
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