Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai has been loved by the audience for its interesting twists and turns. The show has made everyone fall in love since the last 15 years. Currently, the fourth generation story is being shown with Samridhii Shukla and Rohit Purohit as the leads. Shehzada Dhami played the lead earlier but he was thrown out for his unprofessional behaviour. Rohit replaced him and even Pratiksha Honmukhe aka Ruhi was removed from the show. Garvita Sadhwani replaced Pratiksha as Ruhi. Rohit and Garvita were easily accepted by the fans because of their brilliant performances as Armaan and Ruhi. The replacements of Shehzada and Pratiksha was a huge shock for everyone.
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Garvita feels the audience has accepted Rohit Purohit as Armaan
Shehzada had a good fan following and many of his fans did not like him being replaced in the show. Recently, Garvita spoke to Zoom TV (Telly Talk India) about fans not wanted Shehzada and Pratiksha to be replaced. She said that she did not see any backlash about Ruhi but when the hero of the show changes, it is a shock for everyone but Rohit has been doing a fantastic job.
She said that everything has changed now and there is a new hashtag of Samridhii Shukla and Rohit Purohit and people are loving him. She added that he even keeps trending on social media and Rohit-Samridhii have an amazing chemistry. However, people will react as they have been used to watching Shehzada but now its been three months and she does not think people now want Shehzada back. She added that the audience is really smart and they do understand if some decision has been taken it must have had a reason.
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She said that people have accepted Rohit and her now. Recently, we saw Shehzada making many allegations against Rajan Shahi. He said the things said by Rajan Shahi about him are not true. He also shared that he was being disrespected on the sets of the show.
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