Say what! Now this is good news if reports are to be believed: Allu Arjun has shot a special sequence with Shah Rukh Khan for Jawan. Earlier, there was a strong buzz that Allu rejected playing a cameo in the SRK and Nayanthara starrer, which he later refused to do, but now there are fresh reports that this never happened and Allu Arjun was happily a part of Shah Rukh Khan's Jawan, which also marks Nayanthara's debut in Bollywood. As per reports, Allu Arjun will have a fight sequence with Shah Rukh Khan in Jawan, and the fans are already enthralled to witness Pushpa and Pathaan star together in the film. Allu is definitely going to bring a lot of audiences to the theatres, especially in the south. While the Pushpa star is already a hero in Bollywood now thanks to his last masala entertainer, Pushpa: The Rule.
Shah Rukh Khan and Allu Arjun will be seen together in Jawan for the first time ever.
Dear Box Office Stay Safe A Big Storm is About To Come#Jawan 02,06,2023 ??
Crazy4SRK (@Crazy4SRK22) April 21, 2023
Dont Worry Bollywood, Your King Again Coming this June 2 with another mass action,
January 25th that craze Again Repeating, A - Z People Coming to watch his movie on Big Screen,#Jawan #Dunki #PathaanvsTiger
Once again the #Jawan title announcement video was played today. Never gets boring. The film is too hot in overseas territories. I would not be surprised if it challenges Pathaan. Initial biz in India would be massive too. Expecting fresh content in May 1st Week. ??
Nishit Shaw (@NishitShawHere) April 21, 2023
C A P (@Karthik49752719) April 21, 2023
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