Salman Khan was definitely on fire at the Filmfare awards press conference in 2023. The superstar made some shocking revelations that will be remembered until the end of time. And now this one video of the Kisi Ki Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan actor is going viral, where he is seen taking a nasty jibe at 'cool' filmmakers who have been making movies without content these days and expect it to be a blockbuster hit. As Salman Khan talks about the filmmakers who get backed by the producers for making no content-driven films, he cannot stop giggling as he mentions that even his film Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan is going to release and claims that if it doesn't work, then he too will get lashed out for the same.
Watch the video of Salman Khan slamming filmmakers for making no content driven films
#SalmanKhan attacks a director of Bollywood in his speech, is it #RohitShetty or
Harminder ??? (@Harmindarboxoff) April 5, 2023
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