Salman Khan is winning hearts with his latest release, Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan, and today on the occasion of Eid, the superstar came out on his balcony and happily waved at these fans who were eagerly waiting to have his glimpse outside his residence in Mumbai. The superstar left many surprised that despite all the threats, he came out on his balcony and waved at fans, as many expected this year he might not come. But the Tiger star came out and proved he indeed respects and loves his fans immensely. And now this family picture of Salman Khan is grabbing all the eyes as the superstar is posing with his first love, his mom Salma Khan, and the fans are in awe of this mother-daughter duo. The Tiger 3 star looks up to his mom and never tries to disregard her even at this age, and that's the very special and rare blessing he has on him at this age.
Watch the video of Salman Khan coming out of his house and waving at his fans in Eid 2023
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