Adipurush wave has slowly caught on in India. The movie is coming on June 16, 2023. Prabhas who has a huge fan base across the nation is playing the epic role of Lord Rama. Kriti Sanon is Sita Maa while Saif Ali Khan is the menacing Raavan. The advance pre sales for Adipurush are quite good. They have beaten a number of hit films of 2022 and 2023. With a couple of days left, it will soon overtake movies like Drishyam 2 and '83 The Film. It should have pre sales of around 2 lakh at minimum. Seats in North India places like Chandigarh are soon filling up.
Pathaan and KGF 2 both sold over five lakh tickets in advance sales. Adipurush is looking at day one of around Rs 30 to 35 lakh in the Hindi belt. If it gets around Rs 25 lakh from the Telugu market it will have a chance to beat the opening day record of Pathaan. Pathaan saw the highest advance bookings for any movie in 2023.
Advance Booking at National Chains Post Pandemic For Day1 Hindi:#Pathaan: 5.56L#KGF2: 5.15L#Brahmastra: 3.02L#83TheFilm: 1.17L#Drishyam2: 1.16L#Adipurush: 1.1L (2.2Days Left)?#RRRMovie: 1.05L#BhoolBhulaiyaa2: 1.03L
Top4 Or Top3 (?) ?#Prabhas #AdipurushBookings ?
SATHISH BILLA 2.0 ? (@Chill_Sattix_) June 13, 2023
Brahmastra had three lakh tickets booked. We have to see if it crosses that milestone. Ranbir Kapoor, Ram Charan, Abhishek Agarwal, Ananya Birla and Manoj Manchu have booked high number of tickets to show the movie to underprivileged children. This move has got mixed reactions from people. People who seen bits of the film are saying that it is a visual masterpiece. Tomorrow, we will see a rampage as advance bookings will begin in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. They are the home turf of Prabhas. Yash's KGF 2 made Rs 53 crore with its dubbed Hindi version. It is the biggest record for a dubbed movie.
Top Hindi Openers (Dubbed Films)
1. #KGFChapter2: 53.95cr
2. #Baahubali2: 41cr
3. #Saaho: 24.40cr
4. #2Point0: 20.25cr
5. #RRRMovie: 20cr
6. #Kabali: 5.21cr
7. #Baahubali: 5.15cr
8. #RadheShyam: 4.44cr
9. #PushpaTheRise: 3.33cr
10. #PS2 2.18cr
Nishit Shaw (@NishitShawHere) June 12, 2023
The big news is that it might open better than SS Rajamouli's RRR in the Hindi market. That is huge. RRR got a terrific response with the promotional material. Adipurush picked up momentum of late after everyone panned the first teaser of Om Raut's film.
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