One of the big Bollywood news of the day is that of the Meena Kumari biopic. It is being said that Kriti Sanon will play the role of one of Hindi cinema's legends. The actress will be directed in the biopic by none other than Manish Malhotra. The fashion designer has worked in the industry for decades now. He has conceptualized looks for many blockbusters. It will be a huge leap for him. It seems Manish Malhotra is working on the script. Meena Kumari who has delivered memorable performances had a very fascinating journey in the industry. She passed away in 1972.
Meena Kumari passed away at the age of 38. She developed cirrhosis of the liver due to excessive drinking. Even her love life was a turbulent one. She married Kamal Amrohi and later divorced him. It seems the marriage was plagued by alcoholism and oppression. In 2022, it was said that Hansal Mehta might direct the biopic of Meena Kumari. When he was seen with Kriti Sanon in June 2022, the speculations got a bit stronger. But he confirmed that he is not doing that project. Hansal Mehta said he just met them casually.
After today's news came out, we reached out to Hansal Mehta. The Scam 1992 maker EXCLUSIVELY told BollywoodLife that he is happy that a film is being made on this. He conveyed his best wishes to Manish Malhotra and Kriti Sanon. The Amrohi family is known to be quite protective about the story of Kamal Amrohi and Meena Kumari. She is lovingly referred to as Choti Ammi by them. Tajdar Amrohi has said that he wants a film on their life but it should not be disrespectful. He said that casting someone in the role of Kamal Amrohi will be a tough ask. It seems he was an incredibly handsome man with a good diction. Meena Kumari and he were passionately in love.
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