For Kiara Advani, 2023 started on a good note with Satyaprem Ki Katha enjoying its dream run at the box office. Even last year, she was associated with big-budget projects like Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 and JugJugg Jeeyo which fared well in the theaters. So it was not a surprise when speculations went rife that she was roped in for Ayan Mukherji's War 2, the sequel of Pathaan director, Siddharth Anand's War, starring Hrithik Roshan and Tiger Shroff. Now, the Kabir Singh actress has finally broken her silence on being part of War 2, but without revealing much.
Kiara Advani on War 2
Kiara Advani recently attended an interview with Film Companion Front Row where she spoke about her casting in War 2. She wished on being a part of an action film but refused to acknowledge her association with any such movie until a production company issues an official confirmation. "While I would love to do an action film, I would love to work with all the people you have mentioned, I cannot speak further on any other movie," she said.
Here is the post we are talking about:
War 2 part of Yash Raj Films' Spy Universe
Until a production house announces what's next, I can't speak on it. Though I would really love to on many other projects I stay tight-lipped for now," continued Kiara Advani. War 2 is a part of Yash Raj Films' Spy Universe. Films that fall into this man-made Universe include Salman Khan's Ek Tha Tiger franchise, War, Pathaan, and now War 2. Earlier in June, rumours started doping around of Kiara joining the cast of War 2 as the leading lady. "Kiara Advani fits the bill to a T as far as YRF Spy Universe and War 2 is considered. Kiara is right now at the top of the heap and Adi (Aditya Chopra) taking her for War 2 loudly signifies that" claimed a source, as cited by a media portal.
About War 2
Replacing Tiger Shroff, War 2 will star Jr NTR in the lead while Hrithik Roshan will once again be filling the boots of Kabir. On Jr NTR's birthday on May 20, Hrithik almost confirmed the news of the duo sharing screen space in War 2 as an excerpt of what he wrote read "Awaiting you at the yuddhbhoomi my friend."
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