Shahid Kapoor has finally opened up about his past relationship with Kareena Kapoor Khan. The Bollywood stars were in a relationship back in 2004 when a picture of their alleged kiss was leaked online. The photograph which captured Shahid and Kareena kissing each other, was able to create a buzz across the B-town, becoming a trendy topic. Now digging out the age-old incident during an interaction with Midday, Shahid revealed how the controversy took a toll on his mental state.
Shahid Kapoor speaks on kissing scene with Kareena Kapoor Khan
"I felt destroyed and became a mess " was Shahid Kapoor's first words when he recalled the incident. At that time, Shahid was in the initial phase of his career. So, unquestionably it came as a shock for the 24-year-old. According to the Kabir Singh actor, he felt that his privacy was invaded but had no clue about what was going on. "I was like, yeh kya ho gaya and what is going on and of course, it affects you a lot," Shahid said, as quoted by Midday.
Shahid Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor Khan love life now
Shahid Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor Khan decided to part ways in 2007. Today, both of them have moved on from their relationship and are happily married to their respective partners. Shahid tied the nuptial knot with Mira Rajput on July 7, 2015. The couple are parents to Misha and Zaid. Meanwhile, Kareena got married to Saif Ali Khan on October 16, 2012. They welcomed Taimur on December 20, 2016, and Jeh on February 21, 2021.
Shahid Kapoor's upcoming films
Shahid Kapoor has signed two untitled projects, one with director Anees Bazee. Where he will be sharing screen space with Rashmika Mandanna and another with filmmaker Dinesh Vijan, opposite Kriti Sanon.
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