Varun Dhawan, a popular Indian actor, recently revealed an intriguing connection between his father, David Dhawan, and the shooting location of his film "Bawaal." David Dhawan is a renowned Bollywood filmmaker known for directing several successful comedy films.
According to Varun, the shoot location for "Bawaal" holds a special significance for his father. The location chosen for the film's shoot is none other than the same place where David Dhawan shot his first-ever film as a director. This adds an element of nostalgia and sentimental value to the project for both Varun and his father.David Dhawan has a special connection with Alibaug because he spent his childhood in the town. It holds nostalgic memories for him, and he wanted to showcase the beauty and charm of the place through his film. The serene atmosphere and the local culture of Alibaug serve as an essential backdrop for the storyline of "Bawaal."
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