Vicky Kaushal is head over heels in love with his beloved wife, Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif. The couple is headed for a quick romantic getaway on her birthday weekend. This old video of Vicky from the Filmfare Awards 2022 is going viral, where the Zara Hatke Zara Bachke actor is seen receiving his first Filmfare Award as a lead actor for Sardar Udham, and he thanks Katrina Kaif for all the love and luck that she brought into his life. In the video, you can see Vicky thanking his dearest wife for making him the person he is today.
Watch the video of Vicky Kaushal dedicating his first male lead actor award to his wife, Katrina Kaif, and plants a peck on his cheek and makes their fans go in aww of them.
Vicky often speaks about his adoring wife, Katrina Kaif, and in one of his interviews, he has called his marriage a paratha married to pancake and how he tries to always be the perfect husband to his wife and does everything that makes her happy, which gets expensive sometimes. Talking about his married life with Katrina, Vicky had said, "It's going very well. I think we connect on a human level more than anything else. Emotions are universal, so when you find that person, when you feel that you can genuinely be your true self, then nothing else matters."
Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif were spotted this morning at the airport going on a romantic gateway, and the fans called them the most simple and adorable couple of tinsel town as they were amazed with their simplicity. Katrina will be celebrating her birthday tomorrow, which is July 16, and the couple has reportedly travelled to their favourite place in the Maldives. We cannot wait for the couple to share a glimpse of their dreamy vacation.
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