Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai fans have had many complaints from the makers. We have seen how Akshara (Pranali Rathod) has blamed Abhimanyu (Harshad Chopda) for the demise of Abhinav (Jay Soni). In the coming days, we will see that she decides to fight a case against Abhimanyu in court. He will end up in prison for some time. It is being said that she will discover that he is innocent and decide to get him out of the mess. This will restart the love story of Abhimanyu and Akshara. Solo fans of Harshad Chopda and his character of Dr Abhimanyu Birla are against the notion.
They feel the makers should bring in a new female lead for Harshad Chopda or just kill the character. In fact, people are not liking the negative shades of the supporting cast. They feel ensemble cast was way better in the former seasons. Take a look at the tweets here...
Since some people were calling it copy paste and were comparing the two so here's a better comparison.
Akshu vs Akshara #abhira #akshnav #yrkkh
Apobang po (@nayakabang) August 11, 2023
Request from all abhimanyu fans please kill him instead of reunion.. #yrkhh no reunion with that vamp ... No more abhira .... This ship will always be remembered only because it had abhimanyu in it... Even after worst redemption this FL is not worth of reunion with abhi
meenu (@MeenuFish08) August 11, 2023
is hypocrite channel , female lead liar - hopping husband to husband , lies , fraudster, accomplice to Hit and Run case, fake passport hide fugitive!What are they so proud of?First create a female character then advertise her. This female lead is vamp at best! #yrkkh
DrAbhimanyuBirlaTheDaddy (@AkshuKiAbhimnyu) August 11, 2023
She never loved you abhi you were always a choice for her , a way to get back to her sister a way to save her brother a way to save her acha pati .. she never loved you nor she valued your love #yrkhh missing papa birla the clever guy who said her intentions in one glance
meenu (@MeenuFish08) August 10, 2023
Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai is one of the top rated shows of Indian TV. The serial is about the marriage of Dr Abhimanyu and Akshara who go through so many trials. Fans loved the chemistry of Abhinav and Akshara as well.
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