Shah Rukh Khan left his fans swooning over him as he made an appearance in the look of Pathaan at the Jawan success event. SRK flaunted his dapper side and proved he is still the king of romance. As Shah Rukh Khan was seen in his Pathaan avatar, fans are thrilled to see him making a smashing appearance in Tiger 3 starring superstar Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif, but here's this exciting detail about when SRK will come onscreen in the film that will make you even more restless and how.
Such a heartwarming act! King Khan extends his greetings to @pooja_dadlani's parents and fellow SRK fans in the audience. ? @iamsrk @RedChilliesEnt @Atlee_dir #Jawan #ShahRukhKhan? #SRK
Shah Rukh Khan Universe Fan Club (@SRKUniverse) September 16, 2023
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