Jawan is on a rampage at the box office. Shah Rukh Khan is showing that his comeback in films is something no star has witnessed in India. His action flick Pathaan made Rs 1,050 crores at the GBOC. It looks like he is all set to overtake that with Jawan. Trade experts are keeping an eye on the domestic and overseas collection of the movie. The movie made USD 1.39 million on day one, which is great even though it was lower than Pathaan. Trade analyst Atul Mohan told us, "It debuted at the second place in the US market after The Nun II. It is a great thing. In the past, movies like Padmavaat would take the eighth or ninth position."
Jawan all set to topple The Nun II; trade expert shares breakdown
Producer and film business expert Girish Johar gave us a detailed analysis into how well Jawan is doing overseas. He told us, "I feel Rs 450 to 500 crore GBOC worldwide should happen by Sunday night. In India, it should touch Rs 230 to 240 crores nett by Sunday night. But the numbers from overseas markets are astounding. I am looking at 16 to 17 million from foreign countries. Jawan might leave behind all the films released globally this week. It is poised to overtake The Nun II."
Lets Your Heartbeat STOP !!!! ?
#Jawan is poised to be the NUMBER 1 movie GLOBALLY eyeing $65M+ over the 4day wknd leaving #Hollywood #TheNun2 behind... ?? ???@iamsrk @NayantharaU @Atlee_dir @deepikapadukone @duttsanjay pic.twitter.com/rbN6L97vyo
Girish Johar (@girishjohar) September 9, 2023
Jawan makers share box office numbers
The movie has made Rs 240. 47 crores gross from its global collections. Shah Rukh Khan is the best known Indian star globally. Jawan is ruling everywhere except China. As we know, the Chinese market operates in a different manner. Shah Rukh Khan is enjoying this phase as he thanks every fan club personally for all the efforts they took for the film.
Indian Blockbuster #Jawan remains on Top5 at US #BoxOffice, grossing 1.8M on FRI over 827 theatres (vs #Pathaan 1.9M over 695 theatres, also starring #ShahRukhKhan), going up +32% from THU Op Day.
The new film reaches a 3.2M cume in just 2 days.
Eyeing a 6.5M-8.5M 4-day opening pic.twitter.com/PQE7XeaACF
Luiz Fernando (@Luiz_Fernando_J) September 9, 2023
It's #TheNun2 vs #Jawan fighting for the #1 at Global #BoxOffice this weekend, as the Indian blockbuster starring #ShahRukhKhan grossed another 13.4M globally on FRI, lifting global cume to 29.1M in 2 days, being 18.8M from #India alone.
Eyeing a 60M-70M 4-day Global Opening pic.twitter.com/5sYpl2aiwh
Luiz Fernando (@Luiz_Fernando_J) September 9, 2023
Well, we will get an idea by Sunday morning on whether Jawan has crossed the Rs 500 crore mark in its first weekend. Shah Rukh Khan, Nayanthara, Atlee and co must be celebrating these milestones!
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