The film stars Anupam Kher, Nana Patekar, Sapthami Gowda and Pallavi Joshi in the lead roles and is said to be India's first-ever Bio-science film and also a true story. The film shows the struggle of Indian scientists during the COVID-19 pandemic in the country. With Vivek Agnihotri at the helm, known for his thought-provoking films, 'The Vaccine War' promises to be a thrilling rollercoaster ride, packed with suspense, drama, and unexpected twists. The trailer showcases Nana Patekar in a powerful and intense role, leaving us intrigued about his character's journey in the film.'The Vaccine War' boasts a talented ensemble cast, including Nana Patekar, who is known for his impeccable acting skills and ability to bring depth to his characters. The trailer gives us a glimpse of the stellar performances delivered by the entire cast, leaving us eagerly awaiting the film's release.As the trailer unfolds, it becomes evident that 'The Vaccine War' is not just a thrilling medical drama but also a film that aims to shed light on important issues and spark conversations about the role of vaccines in our society.
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