Aishwarya Rai Bachchan has walked the ramp for her beauty brand at the Paris Fashion Week. The actress had flown a day before with her daughter Aaradhya Bachchan to the city. Well, she proved that her supermodel skills are still intact as she walked down in a shimmering gown. The outfit will remind you of one of her Ellie Saab gowns for Cannes. The gown had a jacket with a huge cape. But what stole the limelight where the golden highlights on her hair. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's hair was styled to perfection, and she looked like a million dollars.
Earlier, we saw a pic of hers from the makeup room. We could see Aaradhya Bachchan standing behind dressed in a black top and pants. She looked like one of the crew members. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's cascading golden hair looked absolutely stunning. She kept her makeup simple only opting for soft pink lips. Fans feel this is truly a very glam look from her after months and years. Take a look at some of the reactions here...
Nah my Ash slayedddd ?#AishwaryaRaiBachchan #ParisFashionWeek #PFW23 @lorealparisfr
Bewitching Bachchans (@TasnimaKTastic) October 1, 2023
ETHEREAL GOLDEN QUEEN #AishwaryaRaiBachchan #ParisFashionWeek2023 @LOrealParisIn @lorealparisfr
Aish_admirer (@AishAdmirer) October 1, 2023
#AishwaryaRaiBachchan #LOrealParis
AOB (@aecshh) October 1, 2023
Our Golden Girl is back ?#AishwaryaRaiBachchan
Biggest fan of Aishwarya Rai (@rai_ps2) October 1, 2023
Watching on loop. Aishwarya Rai you
Empress Aishwarya Fan (@badass_aishfan) October 1, 2023
The bond between #AishwaryaRaiBachchan and #KatherineLangford is so cute, like the way Katherine fixed Ash's train at the end ?#AishwaryaRaiBachchan #ParisFashionWeek #PFW23 @lorealparisfr
Bewitching Bachchans (@TasnimaKTastic) October 1, 2023
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan donned a huge metallic gown with a hood at Cannes 2023. The look got mixed reactions. This time, even the general public has liked her look at the Paris Fashion Week. Even Navya Naveli Nanda is there in Paris for the same event. She did a great job as Nandini in Ponniyin Selvan. We hope she signs more movies soon.
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