Priyanka Chopra recalls her struggle as a 'newcomer' in the West after an A-Lister back home; says 'It humbles you'

Priyanka Chopra our spunky Desi girl is an inspiration for any Indian who wants to make it in the West. The actress moved there in 2017 and later bagged the lead role in Quantico. But the journey was not an easy one for her. Priyanka Chopra said that she had to literally struggle for a magazine cover when the Indian version of the same publication had treated her like royalty back home. The actress said it was hurtful but she did not get demotivated. Priyanka Chopra was talking to her good friend Cavanaugh James for his pod cast Read The Room.

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Priyanka Chopra on surviving the initial struggle in the West

Priyanka Chopra said that she did the hard work needed to establish herself. She said she never felt that she was a top actress back home so she would not like to struggle here. She said she would carve her way and not be too affected by the obstacles in the way. Priyanka said she had seen way too many rejections in life to be badly affected. She told Cavanaugh James, "It was like starting all over again. I started right from the beginning. I have been on the cover of a certain magazine six times in my country, but in the US, they wouldn't even take a meeting with me. That took a lot, and I was like it's okay!"

Priyanka Chopra on leading a lonely life in New York

The actress also said that her initial days in New York were dark and lonely. She did not have friends whom she could call at 2 am. Priyanka Chopra said that New York is a very daunting city for a new person to navigate.

Priyanka Chopra also said that she is someone who always finds solutions. She said that she is a problem solver. This attitude helped her immensely in the US. Priyanka Chopra said when one thing did not work out she did not lose hope but moved into other possibilities. Well, the actress proved that she knows how to hustle and make things work like a real Desi.

The actress got married to Nick Jonas of the popular boy band, Jonas Brothers. They have a daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas.

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