Bollywood actress Isha Koppikar who made her Hindi film debut with Fiza recently spoke her heart out about being typecast in the industry. She was seen in item songs like Ishq Samundar from Kaante and Khallas from Company. The diva got emotional as she recalled her casting couch experience at the age of 18.
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In an interview with Siddharth Kannan, Isha was asked if she tried to request meaty roles from producers after being typecast after doing item songs. She said that it was never about what people can do, but about heroes and actors used to decide things. She even said that #MeToo and said that if one had values, it was very difficult. She said that actresses left the industry during her time. She even said that many of them even gave up and others who were in the industry, had given up.
Isha Koppikar talks about the casting couch experience
The actress recalled the horrific casting couch experience that she faced at the age of 18 and said that a secretary and an actor approached her and told her that to get work, she had to be friendly with stars. She also said that she is quite friendly and Ekta Kapoor once told her to have some attitude.
Isha also said that when an A-list actor asked her to meet him alone when she was 23. She said that there were rumours about him being involved with other actresses and said that she refused and told him that she couldn't come alone. Isha revealed that he was an A-list actor from the Hindi film industry.
On the work front, Isha was last seen in the Tamil film Ayalaan.
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