Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone on Wednesday, June 19 attended the Kalki 2898 AD event in Mumbai. The mom-to-be actress Deepika flaunted her baby bump in style in a black body-hugging dress and fans showered praises on her. Deepika spoke her heart out about her pregnancy in real life and in Kalki's 2898 AD film.
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Deepika Padukone called a method actor
Host and popular South Indian actor Rana Daggubati introduced Deepika Padukone on the stage and joked about her still being in character. Rana said that she had been pushed into being a method actor and Deepika laughed as she said clearly. Rana further said that he could see she was still in character and Deepika chuckled. She responded by saying, the film went on for three years and she thought why not just a few months more?
Deepika Padukone spoke about her experience of shooting the film and called it an incredible learning experience. She even said that it was a completely new world and she even went through different phases, discovering what the film was about.
Kalki 2898 AD stars Amitabh Bachchan, Kamal Haasan, Prabhas and Disha Patani in main roles. The film is directed by Nag Ashwin and will be released in cinemas on June 27.
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