Bollywood's newly married couple Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal walked down the aisle on Sunday in the presence of their family and friends. After dating for seven years, the madly-in-love couple took the plunge and their wedding pictures made fans happy. Well, what grabbed everyone's attention was the absence of her brothers Luv Sinha and Kush Sinha. There were rumours that all was not well between the siblings after Sonakshi decided to marry Zaheer, son of Iqbal Ratansi who is a jeweller and businessman.
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Luv Sinha REACTS to Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal's wedding
Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal hosted a grand reception for their industry friends and several celebrities marked their presence. But, Sonakshi's brothers Luv and Kush were not spotted anywhere during the entire celebration. A source confirmed his absence from the festivity to Hindustan Times and said that Sonakshi's parents attended the wedding and were naturally elated about the day. But, her brothers didn't come to the wedding as well as the reception. The paps did not spot the two entering the venue till the end and everyone found it weird.
Here's a video from Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal's wedding
Luv finally reacted to the rumours of his absence from Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal's wedding and told HT that give it a day or two and he would respond to the question then if he felt he could. He even thanked them for asking the question about his absence.
When ETimes questioned him he remained tight-lipped about the matter as he said that he is out of Mumbai at the moment and said that he has no comment or involvement in the matter. Sonakshi's close friend actor Saqib Saleem took on the duties of a brother at her wedding and a video of him holding phoolon ka chaddar went viral.
Well, Sonakshi and Zaheer did a civil marriage ceremony at the former's home in Bandra, Mumbai on June 23.
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