The grand celebrations for Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant are ongoing, featuring pre-wedding festivities, from the Mameru ceremony to the Shiv Puja, and now the heartfelt "Anna Seva" campaign organized by the Ambani family. The celebrations began with 'Anna Seva,' symbolizing service to humanity and fostering love, compassion, and collaboration. This practice strengthens spiritual bonds and promotes meaningful interactions in marriage. Thousands of people were served during this week-long initiative, emphasizing the belief that "serving humanity is service to the Almighty." It exemplifies helping the needy without discrimination. Before the pre-wedding celebration party in March 2024, Mukesh Ambani, Anant Ambani, Radhika Merchant, and other family members organized a similar 'Anna Seva' to seek blessings from the local community by serving traditional Gujarati food in Jogwad village near Reliance Township in Jamnagar. Radhika's maternal grandmother and parents, Viren and Shaila Merchant, also participated in this 'Anna Seva,' serving about 51,000 local residents. Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant's wedding (Shubh Vivaah) is set to take place on July 12, 2024, at Mumbai's Jio World Centre. The festivities will conclude on July 14, 2024, with a Mangal Utsav (wedding reception) featuring an Indian chic dress code. The entire event highlights the importance of service and community, making the celebrations not just a family affair but a community-centered event.
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