Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin is getting all the attention. The show has been amongst the top five TV shows on the TRP charts. Shakti Arora and Bhavika Sharma played the lead roles of Ishaan and Savi. However, the show took a big leap recently. Ishaan is no more and Savi is living alone with Ishaan's parents. Shakti has quit the show and Bhavika has been retained. Manasi Salvi, Indraneel Bhattacharya and Ankita Khare have also been retained from the old cast. Hitesh Bharadwaj is the new male lead actor of the show. He plays the role of Rajat Thakkar in the show and he is a single father. His daughter, Saisha aka Sai is close to Savi. They share a really good bond.
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Hitesh on working with Bhavika
However, Rajat does not like it. Rajat and Savi have started off as enemies right now but people have started liking the new jodi of the show. Hitesh recently spoke to Telly Express and opened up about Bhavika Sharma. He shared that working with Bhavika has been a joy and she is very professional and their mutual respect allows them to give each other space to bring their characters to life.
Hitesh also called Bhavika one of the best lead actresses of the Indian television industry. He said that people love their chemistry and it is still the early days for Rajat and Savi but the onscreen relationship will blossom. He further said that he is similar to Rajat in real life.
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Rajat and Savi have become the favourites but the audience still loves Ishaan with Savi. A few reports state that Shakti Arora had to leave Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin because of budget issues. Reports in Filmibeat said that the makers brought the twist because Shakti was given a huge amount and they had budget issues. Hence, they brought a new lead, who is charging 1/2th of what Shakti was getting paid per episode.
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