Stree 2 starring Rajkummar Rao, Shraddha Kapoor, Pankaj Tripathi, Aparshakti Khurana and Abhishek Banerjee is now in theatres. There was massive hype around the movie as its first instalment did really well at the box office. Given the buzz around the movie and the excitement of the fans, it was anticipated that Stree 2 produced by Dinesh Vijan will take a bumper opening at the box office. The film did not disappoint. As per the early estimates coming in, Stree 2 is almost touching the Rs 50 crore mark at the box office.
Even on first Friday, i.e., August 16, Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor's Stree 2 is going to make massive money. A report in entertainment news portal, suggesting that Stree 2 tickets are selling like hot cakes. By the afternoon on day, the booking trends on Book My Show trends showed that almost 69.7K tickets of Stree 2 were being sold per hour. In the evening, the trend stood strong and showed that 45k tickets were being sold per hour. Around 7.30 pm, the trend showed that 31.2K tickets were being sold per hour. Definitely, the positive word of mouth for the horror comedy has worked in the favour of the film. Given the pace at which Stree 2 is progressing at the box office, it won't come as a surprise if it manages to cross the mark of Rs 100 crore over its first weekend.
Here's a video about Stree 2
Stree 2 directed by Amar Kaushik released on Independence Day that fell on a Thursday. Thus, it has the advantage of enjoying the long weekend at box office. Saturday, Sunday numbers can be exceptionally huge as Stree 2 has only received positive reviews from all corners. Plus, Monday is also a holiday. Raksha Bandhan falls on Monday, thus, there's one more day for Stree 2 to mint money. Along with Stree 2, Akshay Kumar, Taapsee Pannu, Ammy Virk, Vaani Kapoor's movie Khel Khel Mein has also released on Independence Day. John Abraham and Sarvari Wagh's action thriller Vedaa has also made it to the theatres. However, both the films haven't performed that well as compared to Stree 2. At least, the first day box office numbers suggest so.
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