In a conversation, Aamir Khan shared his thoughts on his son Junaid Khan's upcoming film Loveyapa. The actor revealed that he watched a rough cut of the film and found it highly entertaining. He praised the story for showcasing how cell phones have transformed modern life and the intriguing events that unfold as a result. Aamir appreciated the performances of the entire cast, highlighting their impressive work. He expressed special admiration for Khushi Kapoor's portrayal, comparing her energy and presence to the legendary Sridevi. Aamir, a self-proclaimed fan of Sridevi, mentioned that watching Khushi in the film reminded him of the iconic actress. He noted that Khushi carried a similar vibrancy and charm, making her performance stand out. Aamir's candid appreciation for Loveyapa and its cast reflects his confidence in the film's ability to resonate with audiences while offering a humorous yet insightful take on the impact of technology on everyday life.
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