Demise of Anil Kuldip Mehta, father of Bollywood stars Malaika Arora and Amrita Arora, has shocked the industry. According to reports, Mehta tragically fell to his death from the terrace of his building, Ayesha Manor. The autopsy confirmed that he sustained multiple fatal injuries to his head, legs, and hands. Prior to the incident, Mehta reportedly made a final phone call to his daughters, expressing his exhaustion and distress.
In an official statement released on Instagram, Malaika Arora expressed the family's grief, asking for privacy during this difficult time. The funeral was held at Santa Cruz Hindu Crematorium, attended by close family and friends, including Kareena Kapoor Khan, Saif Ali Khan, Farah Khan, Arbaaz Khan, and Arjun Kapoor.This tragic event has left fans and the industry heartbroken. For more details about the post-mortem report and insights, watch the full video, and stay connected for further updates on Bollywood Life.
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