Malaika Arora's father Anil Arora passed away by suicide earlier this morning and this left her fans and the entire film fraternity in deep shock. Reportedly, Anil Mehta jumped off from his balcony and Mumbai Police were at the suicide scene. Malaika's ex-husband Arbaaz Khan, Arjun Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Ananya Panday, Salim Khan and other celebrities visited Malaika's father's residence to offer condolences. Malaika took to her Instagram page and shared her first post after her father's demise.
Malaika shared a post and wrote, 'We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of our dear father Anil Mehta. He was a gentle soul, a devoted grandfather, a loving husband and our best friend. Our family is in deep shock by this loss and we kindly request privacy from the media and well-wishes during this difficult time. We appreciate your understanding, support and respect. With gratitude, Joyce, Malaika, Amrita, Shakeel, Arhaan, Azaan, Rayaan, Casper, AXL, Duffy and Buddy'. She shared this post with an emoji.
A look at Malaika Arora's post
Anil Mehta reportedly called Amrita Arora and Malaika Arora before ending his life and told them that he was tired. According to Mumbai police, the death of Anil Mehta appears to be suicide prima facie. DCP Crime Branch, Raj Tilak Roshan, told the media that the deceased's body has been submitted for a post-mortem. This is a big story in entertainment news.
Malaika was not at home when her father died and was apparently in Pune when the event occurred.
Suicides are preventable. These are some suicide prevention helpline numbers in India - 011-23389090 - Sumaitri based in Delhi and 044-24640050 - Sneha Foundation based in Chennai.
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