Bollywood celebrities recently gathered at Ekta Kapoor's residence for a grand Ganpati lunch, an event filled with devotion and festivities. Among the stars spotted were Karishma Tanna, Mouni Roy, Shraddha Arya, and Chirag Paswan, who graced the occasion with their presence. The lunch was a part of the ongoing Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations, which is a significant festival in Maharashtra, celebrated with much enthusiasm by celebrities and the general public alike. Karishma Tanna looked stunning in a traditional outfit, while Mouni Roy's desi look added to the festive charm. Shraddha Arya, known for her role in Kundali Bhagya, appeared in a simple yet elegant ethnic ensemble, capturing everyone's attention with her radiant smile. Politician Chirag Paswan was also present, adding a touch of grace and charm to the celebration.The Ganpati lunch at Ekta Kapoor's house was marked by traditional rituals and a lively atmosphere, as the stars gathered to offer prayers and partake in the festivities. Ekta, known for her deep devotion to Lord Ganesha, hosts this annual gathering to celebrate the auspicious occasion with her friends from the film and television industry.
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