Bollywood veteran actress Jaya Bachchan often gets annoyed by the paparazzi and her videos of getting frustrated and mad at paps go viral on social media. Recently, paparazzo Manav Manglani revealed why Jaya Bachchan lost her calm and reacts in such a manner with the paps. In a recent interview with Aleena Dissects, Manav said that Jaya is not media savvy and is not used to so much media. He said that during her days, there were hardly a few people, who would do it all very gently.
He said that the media has massively increased nowadays. However he said that she does not mind paps when they are at a press conference or film premiere But, hates it when paps spots her off-guard and gets shocked. Manav said Jaya says, 'How come so many people gathered here, we were just out for dinner.' He said that she has her fun banter with the paps as she suggests angles to them. He said Jaya Bachchan says 'Yeh niche kaha photo le rahe ho, iss angle se lo'. He said that Jaya Bachchan has her own funda. Jaya Bachchan is often spotted with her daughter Shweta Bachchan and son Abhishek Bachchan. This is a big story in Entertainment News.
On What The Hell Navya podcast, Jaya Bachchan spoke about the paparazzi culture and stated her reason why she hates the invasion of privacy. She said that she despises the people who interfere in their personal lives and fill their stomachs by selling those products. She also said that she hates it and is disgusted with such people. She also said that she keeps telling them if they do not feel ashamed.
Watch a video on Jaya Bachchan
She was last seen in Karan Johar's film Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani starring Dharmendra, Shabana Azmi, Alia Bhatt, and Ranveer Singh in the lead roles.
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